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Verein sucht Spieler / Spieler sucht Verein (überregional) Die große überregionale Spielerbörse im Internet! Egal ob Transfers in den oberen Klassen oder gewünschte Verstärkungen in tieferen Ligen, hier darf alles rein. (In Eurem Verbandsforum habt Ihr die Möglichkeit regional zu suchen!)

Alt 18.01.2023, 09:24
gf@tt-tsv gf@tt-tsv ist offline
registrierter Besucher
Registriert seit: 10.03.2020
Ort: 74238 Krautheim
Alter: 57
Beiträge: 6
gf@tt-tsv ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
Young Table tennis players wanted / We offer Jobs!

Young Table tennis players wanted
Hello to all young table tennis players,
we are a small, upcoming Tabletennis Club in the south of Germany near Heilbronn. We are looking for young, talented players to strengthen up our team.
If you are looking for a professional perspective and a better future in Germany, we can offer you good jobs in logistics.
Of course, we also support you in finding accommodation and the necessary German language courses. We have our own sports hall with state-of-the-art training and play equipment.
If we have picked your interest and your QTTR is over 1500 points, we are looking forward to your serious application.
Just send us a video of a game and tell us something about you.
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Alt 18.01.2023, 23:47
Mr.Pong Mr.Pong ist offline
registrierter Besucher
Registriert seit: 12.02.2019
Beiträge: 66
Mr.Pong ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
AW: Young Table tennis players wanted / We offer Jobs!

Hello, my country (Chile) has a visa for one year that you can work and live in Germany, would you be interested in doing an exchange?

Zitat von gf@tt-tsv Beitrag anzeigen
Young Table tennis players wanted
Hello to all young table tennis players,
we are a small, upcoming Tabletennis Club in the south of Germany near Heilbronn. We are looking for young, talented players to strengthen up our team.
If you are looking for a professional perspective and a better future in Germany, we can offer you good jobs in logistics.
Of course, we also support you in finding accommodation and the necessary German language courses. We have our own sports hall with state-of-the-art training and play equipment.
If we have picked your interest and your QTTR is over 1500 points, we are looking forward to your serious application.
Just send us a video of a game and tell us something about you.
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Young Table tennis players from EU wanted gf@tt-tsv Verein sucht Spieler / Spieler sucht Verein (überregional) 0 18.08.2021 12:42

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