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Alt 09.01.2004, 11:25
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
Foren-Stammgast 2000
Registriert seit: 07.12.2003
Ort: Anrath/Tönisvorst-Vorst
Alter: 62
Beiträge: 2.408
Nosti49 ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
ITTF World Ranking Lists Women/Men (TOP 20)

Men / Status Janaury 2004:
Pos./Former Pos.Points Name Country
1 (<<) 2325 MA Lin CHN
2 (<<) 2311 WANG Liqin CHN
3 (4) 2209 WANG Hao CHN
4 (3) 2193 CHUAN Chih-Yuan TPE
5 (<<) 2123 SAMSONOV Vladimir BLR
6 (<<) 2103 BOLL Timo GER
7 (8) 2063 LIU Guozheng CHN
8 (11) 2054 CHEN Qi CHN
9 (7) 2052 KREANGA Kalinikos GRE
10 (12) 2033 RYU Seung Min KOR
11 (9) 2030 KONG Linghui CHN
12 (10) 2023 SCHLAGER Werner AUT
13 (12) 1981 CHIANG Peng-Lung TPE
14 (19) 1971 HAO Shuai CHN
15 (<<) 1968 OH Sang Eun KOR
16 (14) 1953 SMIRNOV Alexei RUS
17 (<<) 1896 JOO Se Hyuk KOR
18 (16) 1892 SAIVE Jean-Michel BEL
19 (20) 1885 QIU Yike CHN
20 (18) 1884 PRIMORAC Zoran HRV

Women / Status January 2004:
Pos./Former Pos.Points Name Country
1 (<<) 2472 ZHANG Yining CHN
2 (<<) 2349 WANG Nan CHN
3 (4) 2304 NIU Jianfeng CHN
4 (3) 2229 GUO Yan CHN
5 (<<) 2124 GUO Yue CHN
6 (7) 2052 TIE Yana HKG
7 (6) 1991 LI Ju CHN
8 (<<) 1970 BOROS Tamara HRV
9 (11) 1952 KIM Kyung Ah KOR
10 (9) 1944 LI Nan CHN
11 (10) 1908 LIN Ling HKG
12 (<<) 1876 LAU Sui Fei HKG
13 (15) 1863 STEFF Mihaela ROU
14 (16) 1861 JIANG Huajun CHN
15 (20) 1847 FAN Ying CHN
16 (13) 1841 TOTH Krisztina HUN
17 (14) 1827 LI Jia Wei SIN
18 (22) 1815 GAO Jun USA
19 (17) 1807 SONG Ah Sim HKG
20 (26) 1796 UMEMURA Aya JPN

Geändert von Nosti49 (09.01.2004 um 21:37 Uhr)
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Alt 10.01.2004, 07:34
Beiträge: n/a
asia on the top

the big european are going down.

schlager only no.12, saive only no.18, primorac only no.20, waldner and persson still not anymore in the top20

the only one european players who can still be in the top10 are samsonov and boll, but no.1, no.2 and no.3 in the world: china!

unbelievable the situation at the women: 5 players from china on the top

men´s top10: 8 of 10 players from asia!
women´s top10: 9 of 10 players from asia!
women´s top15: 13 of 15 players from asia!

asia stronger than never before!
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Alt 12.02.2004, 14:11
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
Foren-Stammgast 2000
Registriert seit: 07.12.2003
Ort: Anrath/Tönisvorst-Vorst
Alter: 62
Beiträge: 2.408
Nosti49 ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
ITTF World Ranking Lists Women/Men (TOP 20)

Update .....

World Ranking MEN (updated on: 2/3/2004):

Rank Name Assoc.
1 (<<) 2372 MA Lin CHN
2 (<<) 2310 WANG Liqin CHN
3 (<<) 2263 WANG Hao CHN
4 (<<) 2200 CHUAN Chih-Yuan TPE
5 (<<) 2130 SAMSONOV Vladimir BLR
6 (8) 2115 CHEN Qi CHN
7 (9) 2069 KREANGA Kalinikos GRE
8 (10) 2054 RYU Seung Min KOR
9 (7) 2051 LIU Guozheng CHN
10 (6) 2047 BOLL Timo GER
10 (12) 2047 SCHLAGER Werner AUT
12 (11) 2046 KONG Linghui CHN
13 (14) 1965 HAO Shuai CHN
14 (13) 1963 CHIANG Peng-Lung TPE
15 (<<) 1944 OH Sang Eun KOR
16 (17) 1913 JOO Se Hyuk KOR
17 (16) 1896 SMIRNOV Alexei RUS
18 (19) 1885 QIU Yike CHN
19 (18) 1881 SAIVE Jean-Michel BEL
20 (22) 1876 KIM Taek Soo KOR

World Ranking WOMEN (updated on: 2/3/2004):

Rank Name Assoc.
1 (<<) 2419 ZHANG Yining CHN
2 (<<) 2401 WANG Nan CHN
3 (<<) 2259 NIU Jianfeng CHN
4 (<<) 2238 GUO Yan CHN
5 (<<) 2189 GUO Yue CHN
6 (<<) 2052 TIE Yana HKG
7 (9) 2038 KIM Kyung Ah KOR
8 (7) 2023 LI Ju CHN
9 (8) 1957 BOROS Tamara HRV
10 (<<) 1944 LI Nan CHN
11 (<<) 1910 LIN Ling HKG
12 (<<) 1876 LAU Sui Fei HKG
13 (20) 1868 UMEMURA Aya JPN
14 (15) 1847 FAN Ying CHN
15 (14) 1843 JIANG Huajun CHN
16 (13) 1833 STEFF Mihaela ROU
17 (<<) 1832 LI Jia Wei SIN
18 (16) 1831 TOTH Krisztina HUN
19 (18) 1815 GAO Jun USA
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Alt 06.11.2004, 00:01
Beiträge: n/a
AW: ITTF World Ranking Lists Women/Men (TOP 20)

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Alt 06.11.2004, 06:35
Beiträge: n/a
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Alt 06.11.2004, 07:59
Beiträge: n/a
AW: ITTF World Ranking Lists Women/Men (TOP 20)

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Alt 22.11.2004, 00:52
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