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Alt 06.05.2002, 20:32
marsei marsei ist offline
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Tabletennis in England

Hello !

For I will move to York (England) this summer I would ask for some information about tabletennis there. Especially I am interested to compare the leagues in England with the German leagues (where I play now) to know which league I could possibly play.

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Alt 08.05.2002, 02:48
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The albatross The albatross ist offline
René Schaible
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English Table Tennis

Divisions British League:

Division 1
Division 2
Division 3

...and lots of "local leagues".

These local leagues have the major advantage that anyone can play there and the administration is very simple and quick. That means that even players from Premiership teams or from other countries are allowed to play local matches.

British League teams always consist of four players. Many british top players play abroad, such as English Matthew Syed (France/Japan), Carl Prean (Weitmar-Munscheid), Gareth Herbert (Altenbögge this year), Juniors Dominic Hall and Matt Kenny, Welsh Adam Robertson and Welsh Ryan Jenkins (all Zweite Bundesliga), or Scottish Niall Cameron (France). This is not an exhaustive list, but those who came to my mind right now.

Logically, the level is not as high as in German leagues, but you will find a club in York anyway. Unfortunately, I can't really help you for that because I have been living in London and therefore have contacts in Greater Lodon essentially.

I recommend you to have a look at the "Links" on the ETTA homepage http://www.etta.co.uk/. Then you can contact a local league or directly a club. I will send you the e-mail of Mick Strode, an ETTA representant, by PN.

How long will you stay there?

I hope I could help you, don't hesitate for further questions


Geändert von The albatross (11.05.2002 um 21:00 Uhr)
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Alt 08.05.2002, 14:31
Lucky Loser Lucky Loser ist offline
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I think the level in England is much lower than in Germany. One year we had an English player in our team, that played in London 2nd division the year before. (at least she said so, I couldn´t really believe it) In our German Women Verbandsliga WTTV she didn´t win a single match. For men it will probably be the same.
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Alt 11.05.2002, 21:00
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The albatross The albatross ist offline
René Schaible
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@ Lucky Loser:

Obviously, that is confusing for German players, but you can believe her.
No other European country has as much players as Germany. Actually, I guess that she played in Division 2 and not in the second highest Division. In England, you have to consider the Premiership, so Division 2 is the third highest division.

When you now consider that women don't have local leagues, "Division 2" even happens to be the second LOWEST division for women!! So, women division 2 is certainly weaker than German women Verbandsliga.

For men, this is different: most of the players play local matches. For example, double Paralympic Champion Taju Aguniade (currently ranked No. 41 in England but has been in Top 20 before) only plays in Division 2.
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Alt 13.05.2002, 21:39
Lucky Loser Lucky Loser ist offline
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@the Albatross

Thanks for this information. If we had known this before we wouldn´t have been in such trouble last season ;-) Well at least we could keep the division as so many other teams retired ...
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Alt 14.05.2002, 17:02
Claudio Claudio ist offline
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How many players/teams each British League´s division have?
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Alt 14.05.2002, 17:20
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The albatross The albatross ist offline
René Schaible
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Originally posted by Claudio
How many players/teams each British League´s division have?
4 Players/team
8 teams/division
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Alt 15.11.2004, 20:28
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