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Rackets > Dumb and Dumber........and the dumbest
A dumber racket would be a racket using a symmetric blade with different rubbers of same type such as spinny inverted rubbers or wide pips rubbers on either side.
The dumbest racket would be a racket using a symmetric blade and also identical rubbers (same brand of same rubber type) on both sides. A symmetric blade has identical layer composition (wood & composite layers) on both sides of the blade (Sometimes also called a 2 speed blade) Don't be stupid ....don't be brainwashed by the booster supremacist controlled ITTF and its coaches who want everyone to think a dumb racket is the only "normal" racket & their claim that top spin is the only proper way to play table tennis. Think outside the box. Don't be intimidated & bullied by the booster supremacists. Don't be shamed into submission. Use the proper smart racket for your playing style with an asymmetric blades and different type rubbers for two sides. (Just blocking or flat-hitting or chopping on your backhand using a spinny inverted rubber does not qualify you as a two winged looper but the booster supremacists want you to live in that fantasy and delusion but there are specific rubbers in table tennis for chopping, blocking or flat-hitting ..........but of course booster supremacists do not want you to use them because it is a huge nuisance for them to play against it) There is no shame in admitting you do not have a backhand (loop) because 90% of humans cannot. They just delude themselves that they do. You most likely have a much better backhand style such as chopping or blocking or hitting but booster supremacists will try too convince you otherwise because you will then become a nuisance to play against & they do not of course want that Top spin style or no spin style along with top spin style with any combination thereof is the ONLY NORMAL way to play table tennis & enjoy the full spectrum of spins & enjoy the sport fully and not half . Don't be a fool and be brainwashed by the booster supremacist controlled ITTF that top spin is the ONLY NORMAL way to play table tennis. Most important keep your children or your parents or para players far away from dumb rackets. . They could suffer the most with dumb rackets Geändert von Carline (09.12.2024 um 07:11 Uhr) |
AW: Rackets > Dumb and Dumber........and the dumbest
It's "to convince", not "too convince. Learn English. Or even better, since you keep spamming in a German forum, you might want to learn German. Unless, of course, all your brain capacity isn't already used up by playing so super smart table tennis.
AW: Rackets > Dumb and Dumber........and the dumbest
I make one spelling error & you jump all over it because you have absolutely nothing to challenge me on the actual "technical content" of my post. Keep trying |
AW: Rackets > Dumb and Dumber........and the dumbest
Ich habe mich für ein Spielsystem basierend auf Geschwindigkeit und Plazierung entschieden. dies ist nur mit einem "dumben" Schläger möglich.
Ich kann damit sehr gut leben, da ich die von dir gepriesenen Möglichkeiten ausprobiert habe und als für mich unpassend befunden habe.
Gummi/Holz/Gummi |
AW: Rackets > Dumb and Dumber........and the dumbest
In my earlier posts I have clearly explained that my definitions of dumb rackets mostly applies to amateur players not pros. If you are Johnny Huang , yes you get maximum speed & placement with a wide pips racket. But no amateur can play using a dumb racket (with wide pips both sides) like Johnny Huang Also if you believe spinverted rubbers are for (most) speed, you have no clue about the very basics of the 4 rubber types Spinverted rubbers PRIMARILY are meant for top spin Slim pips are PRIMARILYmeant for back spin Wide pips are PRIMARILY meant for no spin (with maximum speed) Antiiverted are meant for replacement for tolilet paper Note the word PRIMARILY If you are deluding yourselves that you can create speed and placement using a dumb racket , in your fantasies you are a Waldner or Schlager Enjoy your fantasy (nothing worng with that) |
AW: Rackets > Dumb and Dumber........and the dumbest
Ich würde meinen Spielstil in etwa so wie das von Markus Teichert einstufen.
Früher mal in etwa wie Yang Xiaoxin, aber wie schon gesagt, war das für mich nicht so passend. Nur um mal etwas allgemeines zu klären, mit LN ist aus eigener Kraft deutlich weniger Unterschnitt erzeugbar wie mit einem griffigen NI Belag. Nur weil du eine andere Meinung hast, gelten die physikalischen Regeln trotzdem. Mit einem KN Belag ist nur auf einer geraden mehr Speed möglich, muss die Flugbahn aber gekrümmt sein, ist ein NI Belag auch hier deutlich im Vorteil. Das hat nichts mit besser oder schlechter zu tun, sondern damit, womit man besser klarkommt. Zu verallgemeinern welches Setup Sinn macht oder nicht, ist etwas anmaßend.
Gummi/Holz/Gummi Geändert von M3rlin (17.12.2024 um 14:22 Uhr) |
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