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The TT-NEWS Club Bar Chit Chat - Talk about anything here. Not only tabletennis-related topics are welcome here, also other sports, politics, lifestyle, etc.

Alt 12.09.2001, 19:45
Benutzerbild von Marcus, TTReisen
Marcus, TTReisen Marcus, TTReisen ist offline
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Foren-Stammgast 1000
Registriert seit: 10.02.2000
Ort: Lachendorf b.Celle->Passau->Schweden->München
Alter: 58
Beiträge: 1.469
Marcus, TTReisen befindet sich auf einem absteigenden Ast (Renommeepunkte nur noch im Bereich +10)
Sad because of terror

Hello! To everyone who cannot follow the discussions in our Geman threads here:
We are all completely shocked and sad, and we want to express our deepest sympathies and condolence to the American people and all others directly hit by this infamous act of terror!
We all hope the guilty ones can be quickly found and punished without letting more innocent people die!

Geändert von Marcus, TTReisen (13.09.2001 um 10:39 Uhr)
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