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Alt 08.03.2002, 11:29
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Timo Boll on the way to the WR-Nr.1?

Hey, what about this german boy, Timo Boll?
He is now the no.5 in the world. Won European Top12 and fine results in the pro tour.

Do you think he will manage to become the no.1 in the world in 2002 or 2003? Can he beat 2 or 3 chinese in a row and become olympic or world champion? A new Waldner?
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Alt 09.03.2002, 12:33
Stefan Frasch Stefan Frasch ist offline
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I think it’s not fair if you compare anybody to Waldner. There is just one Waldner. But Boll is on the right way to be a really great player (of course he is already a very good player), and I’m sure he’ll win a big title, but it’s hard to say, if this will be in 2002 or 2003 or maybe in 2005…. He already showed that he can beat the Chinese top-players (e.g. Wang Liqin in the last world championships) but three in a row is difficult for everybody. But I think he'll make it.

Stefan Frasch
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Alt 09.03.2002, 15:11
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Hi Stefan! You're right, there's just one Waldner - but I guess, one day we will say that there has been just one Boll as well!

His success in the last couple of months is almost frightening (at least for his opponents ). In addition, his victory over Samsonov in Rotterdam has shown that he is already on the top in Europe. Just one more step to a triumph over Chinese armada - maybe the hardest step ever for Timo Boll. Sooner ore later, it will be his turn.:boing:

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Alt 30.01.2003, 19:37
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Boll is the No.1 now!
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Alt 05.01.2004, 18:49
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Timo Boll back on the way to the WR-Nr.1?

Hi All,

Timo back to position 6 in ITTF ranking list Dec.03 and Jan.04
3 Chinese on positon 1-3 !!

Will Timo ever come back to no. 1 ??
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Alt 22.01.2004, 16:48
hackerneo hackerneo ist offline
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Re: Timo Boll back on the way to the WR-Nr.1?

Now he is on position 3. he's the best player of the world, i think. ive seen a match: He against danny heister and michael maze. nobody had a chance!!!
He'll come back to Position 1.
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Alt 12.02.2004, 14:17
Arkan Tülükü
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Re: Timo Boll back on the way to the WR-Nr.1?

Ridiclous !!
Boll not on Pos. 3 since December 03
Now 10 only !! Together with Schlager !!

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Alt 26.10.2005, 10:32
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AW: Timo Boll on the way to the WR-Nr.1?

Timo Boll has won many "little tournaments" like Worldcup in 2002 and 2005 and some Pro Tours. And I think in 2003 he was on world ranking no.1.
but he hasn't won a bigger competition such as olympics or wttc, yet.
But of course he can come on top position 1.
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Alt 27.11.2005, 15:16
Josip Josip ist offline
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AW: Re: Timo Boll back on the way to the WR-Nr.1?

Zitat von Arkan Tülükü
Ridiclous !!
Boll not on Pos. 3 since December 03
Now 10 only !! Together with Schlager !!

now boll is back again, he is the no.2 in ittf world ranking. maybe at ittf grand final he can get back the top of world ranking. what do the others think? or does somebody know if he can collect the necessary points to enter no.1 at the grand finals? will wang liqin be at grand finals, too?
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