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Rules and Regulations Table Tennis rules and regulations. Need help with a rules-related dispute or having some controversial situation you couldn't solve on your own? Always wanted to learn how to serve legally? etc. >> powered by DONIC

Alt 26.12.2003, 23:35
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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Re: back to 21

First I had some problems with the deduction to 11 points/set.
But already after 2 month there was no problem anymore and later I found that I had more chances to win against someone being generally better than me, especially due to the fact that a "series", which you perhaps have during 5-6 points NOW influences dramatically the whole set.

Also players being not as good as me had now more chances to win one or two sets. That makes the whole game more interesting, I think.

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Alt 27.11.2005, 15:53
Josip Josip ist offline
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AW: Re: back to 21

are there still players who want back the 21-rule?

i love the 11-rule, it tooks a litte bit time at the beginning, but now i like it!
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