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Alt 30.12.2005, 08:44
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boll new no.1 in world or still wang liqin?

does anybody know who will be no.1 in the ittf world ranking january? timo boll or wang liqin?

who do you think was the best player in year 2005 and why?
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Alt 31.12.2005, 08:53
Andy>eXP Andy>eXP ist offline
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AW: boll new no.1 in world or still wang liqin?

Wang Liquin managed it. I think there are 55 points between Wang and Boll.
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Alt 31.12.2005, 11:48
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Sven M. Sven M. ist offline
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AW: boll new no.1 in world or still wang liqin?

In my opinion there were two excellent athlets in 2005: Timo Boll and Wang Liqin.
Wang Liqin became world champion in Shanghai, so is definitely one of the best athlets.
Timo Boll was the best player in the second half of the year. Especially the World Cup and the Pro Tour Grand Finals did really impress me...
...weil ich's kann.
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Alt 16.01.2006, 03:00
Stefan Lamm Stefan Lamm ist offline
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AW: boll new no.1 in world or still wang liqin?

Zitat von Andy>eXP
Wang Liquin managed it. I think there are 55 points between Wang and Boll.
1 (<<) 2528 WANG Liqin CHN
2 (<<) 2473 BOLL Timo GER
3 (<<) 2366 SAMSONOV Vladimir BLR
4 (5) 2329 WANG Hao CHN
5 (4) 2319 MA Lin CHN
6 (<<) 2228 OH Sang Eun KOR
7 (9) 2195 SAIVE Jean-Michel BEL
8 (7) 2192 RYU Seung Min KOR
9 (8) 2102 CHEN Qi CHN
10 (13) 2088 CRISAN Adrian ROU
11 (10) 2073 KREANGA Kalinikos GRE
12 (11) 2068 CHUAN Chih-Yuan TPE
13 (12) 2063 LIU Guozheng CHN
14 (15) 2052 HAO Shuai CHN
15 (14) 2041 CHEN Weixing AUT
16 (<<) 2010 KONG Linghui CHN
17 (<<) 2005 MAZE Michael DEN
18 (<<) 1994 SCHLAGER Werner AUT
19 (21) 1968 MA Long CHN
20 (19) 1964 PRIMORAC Zoran HRV
Risikolos gewinnen heißt ruhmlos siegen.
Pierre Corneille (1606-84), frz. Dramatiker
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Alt 11.02.2006, 18:34
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Truffel Truffel ist offline
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AW: boll new no.1 in world or still wang liqin?

At the moment Wang Liqin is still at teh top. But a few days ago Boll won the Europe TOP 12 contest, so I think in March he is the new World ranking No. 1!!
Einstein ist tot, Newton ist tot, mir ist auch schon ganz schlecht!
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