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Alt 30.12.2003, 20:14
Iceman2k Iceman2k ist offline
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Lack of diskussion

I think the lack of people who discuss in this forum comes from the fact that there is no english website(is there one??).
But it looks like a english site is planned because there are already the flags of the different countries at the Top of the Page.
Maybe there will be more people here if there is an english/american site.
Is there any date when those sites will be up??
cu Flo
henger-sv.de oder direkt zur TT Abteilung tt.henger-sv.de
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Alt 30.12.2003, 21:17
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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Re: Lack of diskussion

Hi Iceman,

may be for the time being (how long ? I don't know) there are not too much visitors, but for sure there will be more, if you constantly keep an eye on this English speaking forum and continously give also some answers

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