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Alt 08.01.2011, 21:50
Benutzerbild von ivo-M2
ivo-M2 ivo-M2 ist offline
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World United Table Tennis Organisation

General rules of WUTTO table tennis:

1. Identical bats (Heemskerk Flits/standard hard bats) - bats are present in the location)
2. Balls 40 mm
3. Scoring: best of three sets until 21 - sometimes the final is best of five sets)
4. Time break between games: 1 minute 30 seconds
5. Only coaching between games
6. Only backhand service

It seems to be a 'Dutch sport' but the organisation supports new tournements.

A few weeks ago the 9th worldchampionship was organised in Hilversum with some wellknown players like Waldner and Trinko Keen. The link to an english webpage of the WUTTO.


If you want to know how it looks; here are 4 youtube-movies:

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Alt 08.01.2011, 22:51
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AW: Wutto

Moved here where it fits better.

Note: Please stick to english in this thread. If you want to discuss it in german, please open up a new thread (in german) in the "allgemeines Tischtennis-Forum". You may want to link to the new thread from here.
"Jedes Kind bringt die Botschaft,
dass Gott die Lust am Menschen noch nicht verloren hat."
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Alt 09.01.2011, 14:13
Benutzerbild von Obachecka
Obachecka Obachecka ist offline
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AW: Wutto

What's the aim of this?
Should it make tabletennis more attractive?
Then - for me - it failed.

Well, after watching those videos I would prefer to watch "normal" tabletennis, because in my opinion it is much more attractive and more spectaculous than "hartbat"-tabletennis....

Geändert von Obachecka (09.01.2011 um 21:42 Uhr)
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Alt 09.01.2011, 21:28
Benutzerbild von ivo-M2
ivo-M2 ivo-M2 ist offline
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AW: Wutto

I agree with you Obachecka, it does not look actractive. But maybe it gives us an insight in how the game was played a long long time ago

The aim of this game, as far as I understand it, is to make everybody play with the same basic material.
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Alt 12.03.2011, 03:03
TT-Power TT-Power ist offline
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AW: Wutto

Hardbat is some kind of ugly table tennis. It´s funny to watch but the spin is really missing. That´s what makes table tennis so interesting.

But just for fun we also play a tournament each year in my club
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Alt 22.04.2011, 22:37
mbs mbs ist offline
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AW: Wutto

I agree with TT-Power. The spin is missing and that makes hartbat really boring. The different types of spin is what table tennis makes really interesting. And the different materials are an important part of the table tennis.
Vereinshomepage: djk-westfalia-senden.de
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Alt 05.05.2011, 06:37
Benutzerbild von ivo-M2
ivo-M2 ivo-M2 ist offline
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AW: Wutto

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