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Alt 19.05.2003, 23:04
Morten (from Norway)
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is there a difference between 22mm tables, 25mm tables and 28mm tables?

What is your opinion?
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Alt 19.05.2003, 23:10
Paolo / Italy
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The jumping of the ball is better!

1. 28mm
2. 25mm
3. 22mm

But the 25 and 28 mm tables are more expensive!
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Alt 19.05.2003, 23:14
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If a table is thicker it is mostly harder and so its faster.
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Alt 20.05.2003, 16:40
JanMove JanMove ist gerade online
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JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)JanMove genießt höchstes Ansehen (Renommeepunkte mindestens +1000)
Tables with a thickness of 28 mm are faster.
I prefer playing on the table "Tibhar Smash 28 mm". In my opinion it's currently the best table that is available on the market.

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Alt 27.11.2005, 15:45
Josip Josip ist offline
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AW: is there a difference between 22mm tables, 25mm tables and 28mm tables?

22mm good, 25mm very good, 28mm the best
but thing about the weight of the tables
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Alt 05.05.2007, 19:35
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AW: is there a difference between 22mm tables, 25mm tables and 28mm tables?

The Weight..?! I think there isnt much difference between 25mm an 28mm...

In my opinion the weight is unimportant ......
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Alt 05.05.2007, 20:09
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The Weight..?!...It's unimportant...
Have you ever played on an exeptional thick and heavy table ?

If not, do us all a favor, Mr. Obachecka: please talk only about things you really know.

Jan Move, Signor Paolo & Co. are truly right: back in my school days in Gaborone we used to play on old Butterfly tables from the seventies - very thick, heavy and extremely fast; absolutely incomparable with other models...
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Alt 05.05.2007, 21:07
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AW: is there a difference between 22mm tables, 25mm tables and 28mm tables?

I know that 28/25mm tables are often used at tournaments ( in germany)

...JanMove thinks the same 28mm are the best tables...of course they are heavyer then 22mm tables but would you prefer to play on a 22mm lightweight table or on a 28mm "heavy"weight table ?

I think the answer is clear..

PS : I know :My english is not the best
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Alt 14.03.2013, 19:43
Tsuyoshi Tsuyoshi ist offline
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AW: is there a difference between 22mm tables, 25mm tables and 28mm tables?

Zitat von Paolo / Italy Beitrag anzeigen
The jumping of the ball is better!

1. 28mm
2. 25mm
3. 22mm
Zitat von Josip Beitrag anzeigen
22mm good, 25mm very good, 28mm the best
Yes, correct, but I think there is not so much difference for amateur players. Only pro players and high level players will feel really big differences.
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