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Alt 25.05.2003, 15:54
Istvan (HUN)
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new service rule

Do you know the decision of the ITTF?
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Alt 25.05.2003, 17:41
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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As far as I know, they have decided that the arm now must be removed to the side immediately after when the ball left the hand. This 50cm-change has not found the necessary majority...
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Alt 30.12.2003, 20:47
Nicht registriert
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Re: new service rule

The emporer must be able to see the ball at all times of the service and the player you are playing against has to see the ball too. So the arm has to be gone or the other player can't see the ball. This complex rule is easiest to explain it this way: The emporer and the other player must be able to see the ball at all times. Then no discussion is possible
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Alt 30.12.2003, 21:06
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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Re: new service rule

Zitat von Nicht registriert
The emporer must be able to see the ball at all times of the service and the player you are playing against has to see the ball too. So the arm has to be gone or the other player can't see the ball. This complex rule is easiest to explain it this way: The emporer and the other player must be able to see the ball at all times. Then no discussion is possible

Theoretically yes, you are fully right.
But in the practice in Germany it's a bit different, especially in classes below the 6th German division (Landesliga).

Many players anyway do not fit the required 16 cm's, but they are much lower (up to zero cm's).

Therefore more or less -and against the "official rules"- many players / referees agree in practice that "as long as the ball receiver sees the ball and does not feel hindred". That always causes inconfortable feelings and finally many of the players below 6th division see this sport as their common hobby and partially they commonly drink a beer after the end of the game.

Above 6th division that is more or less a different thing and I there nearly all players fulfill what you stated above.

What's the "ball server" behavior in your country ?

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Alt 02.01.2004, 17:51
shortytje shortytje ist offline
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Re: new service rule

Well like you say it's true, in my counrty (belguim) it's exactly the same. Most people don't argue about it because they feel bad about it when they say it to people. Personally I never argue about it either because people become angry about it. I only say it when the ball still goes under there arm or when you cannot see the ball at all.
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Alt 10.01.2004, 07:40
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Re: new service rule

there are several players who seem not to know that there is a new service rule!!!
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Alt 16.01.2004, 18:13
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Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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Re: new service rule

Zitat von Luc
there are several players who seem not to know that there is a new service rule!!!
Well, in Germany minimum there are....
However, they do it -in lower classes- often incorrrectly.....

But I have heard that they are still fighting for 50 cm's or "ball-higher-than-the-head" serves :confused:

Is this still true or only rumours ? Who knows something here ??

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Alt 20.01.2004, 00:56
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Re: new service rule

I think the best wayis fair to everybody. "ball-higher-than-the-head" is easy for umpire and fair to the players.
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Alt 20.01.2004, 18:06
Andrew from Austria
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Re: new service rule

I know the ITTF Comittee Chairman/Rules Comittee Rudi Sporrer personally.

My impression talking to Rudi Sporrer was: The 50cm-rule will come definitively. And there are some other regulations, wanted by some Scandinavian Associations. One is to play to ball after a net-service,
like there's been nothing.
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Alt 05.02.2004, 19:40
Lee Park Lee Park ist offline
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Re: new service rule

Korea and Japan not appreciate 50 cms
Therefore 30 cms will be coomon decision.
Wait the time till next commitee meeting.
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