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Free e-book about tabletennis history: Boys look at the Stars - Ping-Pong
Hi all, I would like present you a free e-book about tabletennis history.
The e-book "Boys look at the Stars - Ping-Pong" talks about the history of table tennis in the world. But it is not only ping-pong or table-tennis. It is an adventure lived by children, through their way of being. Love, cruelty, the story of the great table tennis champions from all the world, stimulates their creativity. Dreams, reality, goals morality, the search of oneself, are the ingredients. You can free download the ebook here. http://www.ping-pong.org/Boys_look_at_the_Stars.php You can see a short video about the e-book here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3bMUzki6Q0 Thanks and good reading! |
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