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Alt 06.10.2012, 10:37
MiloszP MiloszP ist offline
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Holz- Stiga Ebenholz NCT VII

Hi, I have for sale used blade Stiga EBENHOLZ VII. The blade is with ANatomic handle. The blade was only tested but after tests small piece of wood on bh side is missing, you can see it on 2nd photo. The price for the blade is 70 Euro included worldwide registred shipment. Payment via paypal as a gift.

Here is producer description:
Once again STIGA's technicians have shown their expert skills and workmanship in creating this 7-ply masterpiece, the Ebenholz NCT VII.

Special hand selected high quality wood plies of different hardness are combined, along with a secret ingredient--all to ensure precision, power, control, and most of all, enjoyment when you head out to the table.

Because of its extreme speed and stiffness, this Ebenholz NCT VII is the answer for players who want to achieve optimum acceleration without speed glue.
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
Klicken Sie auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	Obraz 001.jpg
Hits:	28
Größe:	120,9 KB
ID:	35733   Klicken Sie auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	Obraz 004.jpg
Hits:	19
Größe:	113,6 KB
ID:	35734  
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