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New 44 mm ball in China, Japan and USA ?!
Hi All,
during my surfing in WWW I found some articles stating clearly that a 44 mm orange ball from a certain manufacturer is already on the market in Japan, China and USA !!?? In Japan there has been installed a special 44 mm ball league meanwhile !!?? Can someone comment, if this is really true ? And: What does that mean for the future ITTF-regulations, if these balls are really used in the above countries already ?? Ciao Norbert |
Re: New 44 mm ball in China, Japan and USA ?!
This might be a nice joke...... but I can´t believe it.
vG, . . . wW -- |
Re: New 44 mm ball in China, Japan and USA ?!
the 44mm ball exists but they use it only for training in my countrey you can also buy it (belguim) but it is only used for training and i never seen anyone use it before but I saw it in a catalogue
Re: New 44 mm ball in China, Japan and USA ?!
Here's a post about this subject, I found on a US forum :
"Good morning. Yesterday night I visited Michael and Lu in the Weston TTC. Michael brought a box of Nittaku 44 mm orange balls from Vegas. I played with them for a 5 minutes. They are very light, sound horrible, very unpredictable. IMO, the distinction between 38mm and 40mm was far less then 40 mm and this new one. I heard that in China and Japan alot of people already using them. And those countries are the main TT force in the World. So, who knows, maybe in two years they will became a standart." And apparently, they do have a "44 mm ball" league in Japan!
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