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Alt 29.01.2004, 01:46
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What makes you keep on playng table tennis ?

Greetings to you over there, it affords me immense and unreserved pleasure to send you this short mail.

First and foremost, i want to play in your club, am current nigeria home base number one and am looking for a club to play for.

i will be looking forward bfor your reply in no destant date.

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Alt 05.02.2004, 19:46
Lee Park Lee Park ist offline
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Re: Invitation letter for table tennis player requested

what ittf-ranking is best man in your country ?
not top 200 I've seen.

Are you listed ?
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Alt 06.02.2004, 10:54
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Flugente Flugente ist offline
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Re: Invitation letter for table tennis player requested

Best ranked Nigerian player is Segun Toriola (Nr. 93 in current world ranking)
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Alt 06.02.2004, 23:46
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I Want Invitation Letter.

Greetings to you over there, it affords me immense and unreserved pleasure to send this short mail.

First and foremost, my name is FATOKUN OSUOLALE OLANREWAJU, am a Nigerian, am a table tennis player, am current nigeria number one am looking for a table tennis club.

Moreover, if any club or any body need me you can contact me by this e-mail add lanru4eva@yahoo.com i will be looking forward for your reply in no destant date.

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Alt 10.02.2004, 09:14
Mick Clarke / UK
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Re: Invitation letter for table tennis player requested

Are you kidding ??
What's the actual ranking list of Nigeria ?
Show the top 20 players and then I might make up my mind for a UK club ini London - perhaps !!
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Alt 16.02.2004, 10:20
Waterhouse Waterhouse ist offline
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Re: Invitation letter for table tennis player requested

Hi Fatokun,
do you know Francis Sule or Sunday Eboh? Both are also from Nigeria and played in Germany in the 80s and 90s. Eboh always played in the long shorts from his sweat suit, i think because of burns on his legs.
At this time Nigeria had a very good team with several players ranked in the top-100 of the world...how is the general level in Nigeria at the moment?
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Alt 20.02.2004, 18:51
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Re: Invitation letter for table tennis player requested

Dear Sir,
I wish to inform you that am the current Nigeria Number one home base.I knew Sunday eboh and Francis Sule, they played in Nigeria before they came to europe, both of them played in Nigeria National tournament before they came to europe for their international table tennis career.

Moreover, i can send you one of my video clip if you need it and i can send you a letter from( NTTA) Nigeria Table tennis Association and Oyo state sports council.(OSSC) is my club that am playing for currently, you can request for any of the option i lay down.i want you to send me email addy and club addy so that i will be able to send your request.

Thanks in anticipation of quick and favourable reply.
its me fatokun osuolale olanrewaju. email addy, lanru4eva@yahoo.com
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Alt 25.02.2004, 23:29
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Re: Invitation letter for table tennis player requested

In Nigeria Table tennis rating we rate player playing out side Nigeria as International players in Nigeria we rate player playing inside nigeria as Nigeria player because in Nigeria we rate player with National competition any player that win a National competition will be rate to Nigeria rating current winner will be rate as nigeria number one player as for know i m the current Nigeria number one. i havenot play in any international club am looking for a place to start my international table tennis career.i was dictected early last year when i won national junior competition i m know playing senior i suppose to be still playing junior my coach said he want me to participate in the senior national competition hosted last year because of my moral and i played the competition i dont believe i can won the competition as from then i become senior player. am not in ittf ranking because i have not play outside nigeria.i want you to give me a trial a trial will surely convince you.
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Alt 25.02.2004, 23:38
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Re: Invitation letter for table tennis player requested

Dear sir,
SEGUN TORIOLA is interanation nigeria number one, am current Nigeria number one its is different because he is playing in outside nigeria and any bodyplaying outside nigeria will be rate as international player,any body playing inside nigeria will be rate as nigeria players am not in the ittf ranking SEGUN TORIOLA, MONDAY MOROUNTOUN, etc are in ittf ranking because they are playing in international club. i want you to offer me a trial and a trial will surely convince you, am looking for a club that i will be able to show my tallent and skills.
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Alt 26.02.2004, 12:11
Waterhouse Waterhouse ist offline
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Re: Invitation letter for table tennis player requested

Hi Fatokun,
i only play in a little, unimportant club, so we're not interested in such a good player as you seem to be. I only wanted to make a little conversation.
But be sure, you have my best wishes for your future and I hope, that you'll find a club, where you can show what you can.
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