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Alt 15.03.2004, 20:29
Nicht registriert
Beiträge: n/a
Looking to play tournaments or league in germany?


Im from Uk and am looking to play some tournaments or even play in bundesliga low division if possible & am after some info on how to go about this

If any one can help me please email mattsquires@blueyonder.co.uk

Thanking you in advance,

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Alt 20.03.2004, 04:58
ayesoro adadayo
Beiträge: n/a
looking for table tennis club.

Dear Sir,
Ayesoro Adedayo Bolaji is my name, i m a table tennis player in Nigeria, i need a club that i can play for. if there is vacancy in your club pls send me a mail to my lanru4eva@yahoo.com .

Thanks in anticipation of quick and favourable reply.
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