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Alt 24.05.2015, 16:37
EditingSports EditingSports ist offline
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Ort: Finland
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Tischtennis auf Eis! (VIDEO)


Here it finally is - the ICE table tennis video! This is surely one of the craziest methods ever to play table tennis

We had this idea, about playing table tennis on ice with skates on, on our mind a very long time and finally got to try it out this winter. To be honest, we thought this would not be a problem for us, but eventually it was A LOT harder than we had thought The wind moves the ball very easily, having to balance on the skates and the fact that the table was lower than usually (because of us having skates on -> more height) made it very difficult - as you might see in the video! But it was quite fun too

Geändert von EditingSports (24.05.2015 um 16:57 Uhr)
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