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Alt 14.08.2004, 01:23
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Khoa Nguyen, TSV-Süderbrarup

At this web site:


. . . they seem to announce that US olympian Khoa Nguyen will be playing for their team. I do not understand german, nor do i know much about the german leagues so i hope somebody can help me understand this. What kind of league is he playing in? Is it possible that he will only play a few matches rather than the entire season? If i understand correctly the players there are far from top-class; ondrej kunz is a coach, right? So this is more of a part-time league? From what i understand he is still employed at a computer software company in the US.

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Alt 14.08.2004, 09:22
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AW: Khoa Nguyen, TSV-Süderbrarup

Yes, Khoa Nguyen will play for Suederbrarup next season in a league called Regionalliga, which one could say would be the third league in Germany after 1. Bundesliga and 2. Bundesliga North and 2.Bundesliga South. There are five leagues called Regionalliga in Germany. This one is the Regionalliga North. You can find some information like rankings or results later in the season here:

O. Kunz isn´t the coach, he will play at position 1, while Nguyen will play position 2, and I think that this will be okay for him. Not too good and not too bad opponents, when I take a look in the latest world ranking.

For more information: Why don´t ask some people from Suederbrarup directly?
For example: u.-c.christiansen@t-online.de
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