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Alt 06.04.2005, 21:38
netlawmaker netlawmaker ist offline
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greek player searching for club

hello, i am 18 years old i am a greek proffesional player.i am currently playing in the greek premier divsion,and i am planing to stay for a year in germany fo r proffesional trainning.i have contacted some people and they told me that the best thing is to first search for a club in the second or third german league so that in this year either from trainning to play also in a good league for experiance..so am asking for any information and links that you think they could help me with my project.
i wish someone will see this and reply,thank you.

Geändert von netlawmaker (06.04.2005 um 21:41 Uhr)
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Alt 07.04.2005, 00:40
der_RenTneR der_RenTneR ist offline
de Maddin
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Talking AW: greek player searching for club

i think i know someone, you could contact about the third german league(regionalliga).
it's a club in frankfurt am main, an a quite international club. they have players form finland and from the czech republic. i'll give you the man's email adress and his phone number, i guarantee you, that you will be heard.
his email adress is w.bindemann@aufschlag.com, the phone number is 0049 69 590255, his name is wolfgang bindemann.
just contact him and speak with him about the subject, he will be glad to hear about such things, he is a highly experienced coach and a very nice man, he will help you.
hopefully, i could help you with this

my regards,

TTC olé
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Alt 07.04.2005, 12:06
netlawmaker netlawmaker ist offline
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AW: greek player searching for club

thank you very much martin i will contact the person that you told me and see what i can do.thank's for your concern.
with best regards,
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Alt 07.04.2005, 23:46
der_RenTneR der_RenTneR ist offline
de Maddin
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AW: greek player searching for club

nevermind, i'm glad to have helped you, as a favour in return for this, you could train a bit with me, so i get better...., in case your plan works out.
besides that, in which city you plan to go? frankfurt would be a nice place to stay, you could be here with me and my friends who also play tt.
i think we could somehow manage to find a place here in case you came here.
maybe you could even stay here at my place, we will surely find a solution.


TTC olé

Geändert von der_RenTneR (08.04.2005 um 00:02 Uhr)
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Alt 08.04.2005, 10:45
netlawmaker netlawmaker ist offline
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AW: greek player searching for club

i will be glad to train with you.and thank you very much for your concern about where to stay.about where i will stay:the reason that i am now searching for clubs and coaches is because i want first to plan everything so about where i am going to train so then i am going to plan where i am going to stay ...in case i train in frankfurt i am going to stay in frankfurt.....you understand what i am saying.....
do you use msn messenger...?maybe we can talk sometime from msn when you are online.

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Alt 08.04.2005, 11:06
netlawmaker netlawmaker ist offline
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AW: greek player searching for club

*** the coach that you told me to contact is he close to you ?do you speake often?because i have sent him an e mail but if he doesn't look his emails often......i shall wait for a reply from him but i am just asking that maybe if you see him you could tell him too...
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Alt 08.04.2005, 12:38
der_RenTneR der_RenTneR ist offline
de Maddin
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Smile AW: greek player searching for club

he also owns the local tt-shop, which makes him my material supplyer no.1.
i'll see him tomorrow, for i will watch the third league team's match if nothing interferes, so i'll tell him, that you contacted him.

news: i saw him today, and he said that he hasn't recieced a thing yet, he checks his mails daily, maybe you should try once again or just phone him, but this will get a little expensive. but he's quite interested in you.

TTC olé

Geändert von der_RenTneR (10.04.2005 um 00:34 Uhr)
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Alt 11.04.2005, 11:23
netlawmaker netlawmaker ist offline
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AW: greek player searching for club

I Have Sent Him The E Mail Many Times ...i Am Sending It Again...are You Sure The Email Is Correct?
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Alt 11.04.2005, 22:46
der_RenTneR der_RenTneR ist offline
de Maddin
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AW: greek player searching for club

send it to me ( der_rentner@web.de ), i'll print it and hand it over, i think this will be the best.
TTC olé
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