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Alt 13.05.2005, 19:00
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
Onkel aus Amerika
Foren-Stammgast 3000
Registriert seit: 16.07.2000
Ort: USA, North Carolina
Alter: 52
Beiträge: 3.985
Tony_Iommi ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
Looking for playing opportunities in NJ

Dear all,

I'll be relocated for business for a three months period to New Jersey, effectively May 29. I already poked the Internet for opportunities - unfortunately, I'll be rather limited concerning my mobility since I won't have a car. And indeed I found a couple of attractive clubs but I'm concerned that I'll be able to go there due to the above-mentioned.
My temp-housing is at Summerfield Suites, Ridgedale Ave. 1, Whippany (NJ). I'll have free shuttle service from and to the train-station plus I wouldn't hesitate to take a cab for short rides. So if anybody out there has suggestions I'd appreciate any kind of feedback.

(Admins: If you feel this posting is not appropriately placed, feel free to move it around...)

many thanks & kind regards


PS. I actually considered Manhattan as an option as well since I could make it easily to Pen-station from my place.......

Geändert von Tony_Iommi (27.05.2005 um 08:13 Uhr)
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