Schiedsrichter- und Regelbereich & Rechtliches Alles rund um Schiedsrichter, Regeln, rechtliches (Vereinsrecht, Gesetze). Regelfragen, strittige Situationen, zu viele Regeländerungen oder neue Ideen für TT, Erfahrungen als/mit Schiedsrichter(n), Ausbildung, usw. |
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Vorläufiger Regeltext in englischer Sprache
Änderung der Internationalen Tischtennisregeln
Während der Weltmeisterschaften 2001 in Osaka (Japan) beschloss das "Biennial General Meeting" (BGM) der ITTF einige Regeländerungen. Das Regelkomitee ("Rules Committee") hat unter Vorsitz des Engländers Colin Clemett die Regeländerungen ausformuliert und folgenden vorläufigen Regeltext in englischer Sprache veröffentlicht. The amended versions of the laws and regulations affected by the BGM decision to adopt the 11 point scoring system are shown below. These laws and regulations come into effect on 1 September 2001. 2.11 A Game 2.11.1 A game shall be won by the player or pair first scoring 11 points unless both players or pairs score 10 points, when the game shall be won by the first player or pair subsequently gaining a lead of 2 points. 2.12 A Match 2.12.1 A match shall consist of the best of any odd number of games. 2.13 The Order of Serving, Receiving and Ends 2.13.3 After each 2 points have been scored the receiving player or pair shall become the serving player or pair and so on until the end of the game, unless both players or pairs score 10 points or the expedite system is in operation, when the sequence of serving and receiving shall be the same but each player shall serve for only 1 point in turn. 2.13.6 The player or pair serving first in a game shall receive first in the next game of the match, and in the last possible game of a doubles match the pair due to receive next shall change their order of receiving when first one pair scores 5 points. 2.13.7 The player or pair starting at one end in a game shall start at the other end in the next game of the match and in the last possible game of a match the players or pairs shall change ends when first one player or pair scores 5 points. 2.15 The Expedite System 2.15.1 Except where both players or pairs have scored at least 9 points, the expedite system shall come into operation if a game is unfinished after 10 minutes' play or at any earlier time at the request of both players or pairs. 2.15.3 If the expedite system is introduced, or if a game lasts longer than 10 minutes, all subsequent games of the match shall be played under the expedite system. 3.4.4 Intervals Play shall be continuous throughout a match except that any player is entitled to an interval of up to 1 minute between successive games of a match; brief intervals for towelling after every 6 points from the start of each game and at the change of ends in the last possible game of a match. Colin Clemett Chairman, Rules Committee 5 May 2001 So schaut´s also aus! |
Re: Vorläufiger Regeltext in englischer Sprache
So ist es. Auf der DTTB-Website ist der entsprechende Passus inzwischen auch korrigiert worden.
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