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speed glueing not any longer allowed?
what about this new speed glueing rule?
AW: speed glueing not any longer allowed?
no, speed glueing will still be allowed, only volatile organic solvent will not be any longer allowed!
we try here in japan all some new water based glue, it is no problem, the effect is good and there is even a longer durability of the speed glueing effect!! |
AW: speed glueing not any longer allowed?
Yes, aqua glue is the future!
AW: speed glueing not any longer allowed?
Hi barrcuda!
Can you say us the names of those new speed glues based on aqua? Here in Germany there is no aqua glue available. But I know that in Switzerland there is one available. It is called "Juic Aqua Effect". Some testers said, that it is a glue, but that there is no speed glueing effect. Please try to report more about the aqua glues in Japan. I'm really interested in! Greetz Sven |
AW: speed glueing not any longer allowed?
After the lastest results speed glueing is allowed up to the OS 2008 at Beijing...
What do you think about this decision? Was it the right way the ITTF decided to go or would you prefer to go on with speed glueing? |
AW: speed glueing not any longer allowed?
As I understand speed glueing is NOT forbidden as this time.
According to the ITTF it is only recommended not to use a glue containing VC's any more. The ban on speed glueing starts on 1st of Jan 2008. http://www.ittf.com/_front_page/ittf...mpetition_ID=&
Keine Macht den Noppen Man kann JEDEN Ball schießen, wenn man RICHTIG draufhaut!!! |
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