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Alt 12.08.2001, 16:03
jpetrovs jpetrovs ist offline
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Is Waldner arrogant?

I just read some statements from JO Waldner and there were two statements that caught my attention:

F: Who do you think is the best player in the history of the sport?
W: Me. I am partly joking, but also partly seriously. Table-tennis has a long history. There were great players and there are great players now. It is hard to say who is the best. But in Europe, I think I am the best.

F: Do you think you are a table-tennis genius?
W: Yes, I do have the natural talent. To be a top athlete, you have to be naturally gifted, or else you will never reach the peak. When I was small, I could beat players 4 or 5 years older than me. I always thought that I was talented.

Well what do you think is he arrogant or just very confident ?
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Alt 12.08.2001, 16:29
Fabian13 Fabian13 ist offline
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I think, he is so great that he can say so things about himself
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Alt 12.08.2001, 17:47
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Flocke Flocke ist offline
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Well, Waldner is such a good player and he has reached so much...I think it´s quit normal, that he´s a little bit proud and confident.
Aus der Schlacht um die Niederlage, die man ihm streitig machen wollte, ging er siegreich hervor...
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Alt 12.08.2001, 17:59
Dorit Dorit ist offline
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A lot of people think that he is a genius and the best player so why shouldn't he think it,too?
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Alt 12.08.2001, 18:01
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Flocke Flocke ist offline
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Originally posted by Dorit
A lot of people think that he is a genius and the best player so why shouldn't he think it,too?
Aus der Schlacht um die Niederlage, die man ihm streitig machen wollte, ging er siegreich hervor...

Geändert von Flocke (12.08.2001 um 18:05 Uhr)
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Alt 12.08.2001, 19:21
Thorsten Thorsten ist offline
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I find it very odd to call oneself a genius, even if the term applies (which is arguable). If Waldner had the literal meaning of the word genius in mind, he was rightof course, but it usually connotes more than merely exceptional natural ability. A genius has a very profound impact on the their field of expertise (for lack of a better term).
Waldner might be the best tt player ever, just as Micheal Jordan, Pete Sampras, Steffi Graf, Muhammad Ali, etc in their respective sports , but geniuses ?( I have yet to hear Micheal Jordan calling himself a genius).

Saying that you are gifted is confidence, but calling yourself a genius is arrogant.
You gotta be good, to be lucky

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Alt 13.08.2001, 08:46
Benutzerbild von Flocke
Flocke Flocke ist offline
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Originally posted by Thorsten

Saying that you are gifted is confidence, but calling yourself a genius is arrogant.
The Reporter asked him, if he is a TABLE-TENNIS genius.
He didn´t say that he´s a genius in everything he does.
Let´s not attach too much importance to this statement.
He just said:" I do have the natural talent."!!
So, I don´t think Waldner is arrogant.
Aus der Schlacht um die Niederlage, die man ihm streitig machen wollte, ging er siegreich hervor...
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Alt 13.08.2001, 09:24
Thorsten Thorsten ist offline
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I never said that he claimed to be a genius in everthing he does.

His answer to the question: Do you think you are a table-tennis genius? was yes and in my book that is arrogance (it doesn't matter if this is actually true which I maintain is arguable )
You gotta be good, to be lucky

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Alt 13.08.2001, 09:45
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Flocke Flocke ist offline
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When was the interview made? Perhaps, he wanted to provoke other players by showing with such statements his self-confidence.
What do you think?
Did Waldner say such things before in other interviews? I don´t know.
Aus der Schlacht um die Niederlage, die man ihm streitig machen wollte, ging er siegreich hervor...
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Alt 13.08.2001, 13:25
jpetrovs jpetrovs ist offline
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I do not know the exact date, but it was after the world championships in Osaka. Waldner was in China to promote Pekings application for the olympic games.

I think that self-confidence is very important to win the big titles, especially in an individual sport where you cannot hide behind your teammates.
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