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Technique - Tactics - Training share your table tennis knowledge about stroke technique, training methods, game strategies, coaching, etc.

Alt 30.06.2020, 03:34
DonaldCarter DonaldCarter ist offline
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Back exercises

I want to ask about exercises that make my back feel stronger.
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Alt 24.08.2020, 12:58
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AW: Back exercises

hello, you can check this video:

In my opinion especially the "move 4" (3:20 min, "bird dog") and the "move 5" (4:20 min, "plank with leg raise") are the best exercises, also for the core.
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Alt 03.09.2020, 09:09
marceltribo marceltribo ist offline
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AW: Back exercises

Depends on your goal.

If there is any need to build up muscles, go with traditional back exercises like Pull-Ups, Dead-Lift and rowing.

If you are looking for sport-specific-exercises, every Core-Exercise is recommandable.
This is where you get to strengten your Core as a whole, which will give you greater stability for your back as well.
Traditional exercises could be a plank, wether straight or for one side. To add a little more dynamic, russian twist is an exercise with great table-tennis-specific.

Most important thing is to make sure your form is good to avoid any injuries and to perform those exercises regularly.
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