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Alt 22.11.2001, 00:01
Benutzerbild von Cissai
Cissai Cissai ist offline
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Chinese players in your country???

Here in Germany are many Chinese and Asian tt-players, they play in all leagues. The Asians are often players and coaches, so many children and young players learn from them.
Do you have Chinese players in your couintry, too?
I did hear from some players in the USA or England, but what´s in the other countries?

So, answer, please!
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Alt 08.03.2002, 11:34
Beiträge: n/a
Yes, there is for example Yang Min in Italy, the no.44 in world ranking.
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Alt 08.03.2002, 17:25
Benutzerbild von Cissai
Cissai Cissai ist offline
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Yes, there is Yang Min in Italy, but there aren´t some other players? Here are chinese players not only in the best tt-leagues.
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Alt 09.03.2002, 15:16
Benutzerbild von The albatross
The albatross The albatross ist offline
René Schaible
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Chinese guys

In England, there are quite a lot of chinese players. When I played team matches for my University, I played a Chinese one at each time. As there are many Chinese people especially in London, they do play at different levels.
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