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Technique - Tactics - Training share your table tennis knowledge about stroke technique, training methods, game strategies, coaching, etc.

Alt 22.11.2001, 00:13
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How do you train in your country?

Hi again!
I´m very interested in the training in your country. What do you make during the training, only playing against one partner or do you make some exercises?
In our club we first play forehand-forehand, backhand-hand, services, open game and then a match. After that we change our partners. In the end of the training we play a double match.

What´s about you?
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Alt 08.03.2002, 12:18
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We have a coach. Every training is different, and every training has one topic (for example: footwork).

We start with the warm-up (walking), than stretching.
After the warm-up at the table (forehand, backhand, regular), the exercises from our topic begin.
After this, we make many matches with different rules.
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Alt 12.03.2002, 20:08
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The albatross The albatross ist offline
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Alt 01.02.2004, 20:43
Stefan from Poland
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Re: How do you train in your country?

I live in small village in Poland and I must train alone. I bought tt-matic robot , but it's not the same like with normal player. Then I play with not so good players. I'm worried about my future development. The best traning I've had was last month. I was training with one of the greatest polish player, Leszek Kucharski (Grubba's partner) and i lerned a lot.
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Alt 01.02.2004, 20:51
Stefan from Poland
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Re: How do you train in your country?2

When I played with Kucharski the first was some running(slow) and other phisycal exercises (my English is poor, then i can tell You name of these exercises...).Then individual warm-up on the table (about 5-10 minutes),
then 1,5 hour exercises on the table (there were 3 peoples on each table - two players and sparingpartner).Then sometimes a match and then stretching.
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Alt 02.03.2004, 16:26
Dutchie Dutchie ist offline
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Re: How do you train in your country?

I think in every club it's different. Not only country to country.
We warm up FH-FH. Then change to FH topspin-FH block. FH topspin FH counterspin.
Then change to BH-BH, BH topspin-BH block.
So far for warm up.
Then on mondays we sometimes play exercises. Different themes every training. Placement/footwork/consistency, whatever. Sometimes this is done with services, sometimes with a basket of balls that you opponent 'feeds' you.
We normally end with some matches.
On Wednesday we have the standard club taining, when everybody is coming and playing. Then we change to matches right after you're warmed up.

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Alt 27.11.2005, 16:00
Josip Josip ist offline
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AW: Re: How do you train in your country?

we have a big club in our city and we have a coach. the better players can practice with some professionals.
we start with warmup and get 2-4 exercices and at the end there are two possibilities: matches or fitness
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Alt 21.01.2008, 23:07
dave51 dave51 ist offline
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AW: How do you train in your country?

here in the u.k. at local level people just tend to play training matches rather than train specific elements
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Alt 13.02.2008, 13:23
Noppen-Fuzzi Noppen-Fuzzi ist offline
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AW: How do you train in your country?

two Players - one Table, one Ball and then we make some matches
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Alt 04.03.2008, 00:59
Tony_Iommi Tony_Iommi ist offline
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AW: How do you train in your country?

Depends on the club. Typically, it get's quite crowded and therefore players are encouraged to alternate as much as possible. Thus, we keep the warm up time rather limited and move on quickly to play a match. Because usually you have other folks calling in at the table you are currently playing on. That means the winner stays at the table, the loser drops out and either takes a break or calls in at another table.
That can be frustrating at times but it's the only way to accomodate everybody when it gets packed.
But actually, there's a solution to the problem - just never lose a match !

Geändert von Tony_Iommi (04.03.2008 um 03:44 Uhr)
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