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I'm sorry that I can't write German but I CAN READ German by Google translate system. I'm A waldner's fan. Does anyone knows what blade more waldner used during 1980-1984. I know more waldner had used three child OF banda more waldner 1 banda more j.o.waldner 2000 with A dark brown reached, into the logo write: BANDA more j.o.waldner sweden Waldner used it about 1985 2.banda of waldner off with A light brown reached, into the logo write: WALDNER BANDA Waldner used it during 1987-1989 3.banda of waldner off st with A grap reached, into the middle OF the seized, there is blue yellow LINE. Waldner used it during 1990-1993 If someone has A banda waldner blade (1 or 2) for sale, please tell ME. my email: bandawaldner.1974@yahoo.com.cn What blade had Waldner used during 1980-1984? I know he used must A banda blade, but what child OF banda it is? Does someone has A old banda prodution catalog? |
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