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Please help me : anyone lives in Leipzig ,Germany?
I'm coming to Leipzig , Germany this September to study . I would like to ask a question : Is there any Table Tennis Club in Leipzig and which one is near the Uni Leipzig ..
Vielen Dank.. |
AW: Please help me : anyone lives in Leipzig ,Germany?
There are several clubs in Leipzig: 1.) HSG DHfK Leipzig e.V. --> http://www.hsg-dhfk-leipzig.de 2.) Leipziger Tischtennisverein SV Rotation Süd Leipzig e.V. --> http://www.tt-leipzig.de/rotation 3.) SV Blau-Weiss Lindenau e.V. (Leipzig) --> http://www.sv-bw-lindenau.de 4.) SV Calau e.V., Tischtennis (Leipzig) --> http://www.svcalau.de 5.) Tischtennis-Verein Leutzscher Füchse 1990 e.V. (Leipzig) --> http://www.leutzscher-fuechse.de 6.) TTC Eilenburg e.V. (Leipzig) --> http://www.ttc-eilenburg.de
"It is not down in any map; true places never are." (Melville) |
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