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Alt 12.01.2002, 19:40
al9021 al9021 ist offline
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hello les allemands

You are playing with what rubber and blade ? I play with a blade Donic Waldner Impuls 6.5, a rubber Donic Supersonic S40 in 2.3mm and a rubber Butterfly Tackifire Special Soft in 2.1mm in my left. It is a very good racket. A+
I am training every days in France.
Alexis, Je suis Francais
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Alt 13.01.2002, 08:06
Schlager forever Schlager forever ist offline
Schlager is the number 1!
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I also play with the Donic Supersonic S40!
And I´m very happy with this rubber!

Before I tested the Mendo Energy from Stiga,
but for me the S40 is better.

My wood is a Tibhar H-3-9.

Mfg Schlager forever
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Alt 13.01.2002, 12:01
Benutzerbild von philwolters
philwolters philwolters ist offline
Looping Louie
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philwolters ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
Blade:Stiga allround
Rubbers:Mendo Energy 2,0 Backhand and Forehand
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Alt 13.01.2002, 20:38
Benutzerbild von leonie
leonie leonie ist offline
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i remember that someone wrote at the french topic
we should use the english topics more to get a french
one. so ill do this! :o

blade: butterfly timo boll
rubbers: FH butterfly salvo speed
BH butterfly rein

would be nice if many of you answer!

ciao eure leonie

Fördert die Mädchen!!
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Alt 18.01.2002, 13:29
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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Hi al9021

Your theard in the German TT-Forum was very lucky and cool but leonie was a very good interpreter!
Your are 15! I 15, too!

You play with new Material! The Donic Supersonic is new and the blade Waldner Implus, too.

Which league do you play? You play table-tennis every day! Wow!

You have very thick rubbers!

On my forehand I play with the rubber Stiga Mendo Energy with a 2,0 swam. One my backhand I play with the Stiga Innova Ultra Light with am 1,8 swam. My blade is from Andro! The name of this blade is Andro Super Core Carbon! It ist very good!

Ok, I hope my English is not so bad!
I think, I must do a private lessons by leonie! She is very good at

so long



Geändert von Jörg (18.01.2002 um 13:34 Uhr)
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Alt 20.01.2002, 15:39
Benutzerbild von leonie
leonie leonie ist offline
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Talking danke

@ al9021

are there many table tennis clubs in france? and how big are they? where do you live?

@ jörg

also das is ja mal echt nett...... ich bemüh mich nur und schreib drauf los. egal.

no questions to this topic....
ciao eure leonie

Fördert die Mädchen!!
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Alt 20.01.2002, 20:56
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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Ich bin halt begeistert, denn 2 Sprachen so gut zu können finde ich super!


How long do you play table tennis?


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