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Alt 28.03.2002, 07:20
cwlee cwlee ist offline
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Why does the Chinese dominate now?

In my opinion, the Chinese team is kinda dominate the table tennis field right now (I don't think it is good...). It does not like some years ago when the European teams are at equal hand with the Chinese. Of course, the Chinese keeps innovating (e.g. handshake-holder-style backhand of penhold players). But there are much less stars like Waldner/Persson/Saive lately. Why???
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Alt 30.03.2002, 16:39
Flash Flash ist offline
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Sorry, but I think the problem is that most of the asian players seem to look the same! Waldner, Persson, Samsonov, Boll, Roßkopf, Schlager, Saive, Primorac, they all look very different.

If you would show me pictures of the best 10 asian players, I would not know who is Kong Linghui, Wang Liqin, Ma Lin, Liu Guozheng, Kim Taek Soo, Chiang Peng Lung, Chuan Chi Juan etc.

Last week I saw a tabletennis match on DSF (German Sports Television) and in the first moment I thought that Liu Guoliang played, until I recognized that the team was Ochsenhausen. (the player was Feng Zhe).

I think this is the problem, why the asian players are not this big stars in europe like they should to be.
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Alt 31.03.2002, 12:19
cwlee cwlee ist offline
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Flash, I don't see the point. I tried to discuss the reasons why Chinese is dominating the field but not the reason why asians are not stars in Europe.

I don't think the domination relates to the appearance at all. Anyways, asians cannot recognize westerners well and vice versa. That is not a "problem" at all. If the discussing point is recognized, I would like to show you the latest top 10 players of ITTF (6 are Chineses) instead of showing you the pictures of them.
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Alt 19.10.2002, 19:23
Lu Ke
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In China only talents can learn tabletennis. For example: Wang Tao learns tabletennis at the sportschool in Beijing.
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Alt 30.10.2002, 17:18
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Morpheus_2nd Morpheus_2nd ist offline
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I don't want to discriminate against somebody here (they do not look all the same), but I think that Chinese get harder and more training and that a people of 1,260,000 should have much more talents than Europe with its little population of about 700,000.
Scouting is the key word!
Grüße von Morpheus_2nd, webmaster von www.ttvfl.de und neuerdings sogar Moderator *g*
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Alt 25.11.2002, 11:23
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Marcus, TTReisen Marcus, TTReisen ist offline
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@Flash: really - not only did miss the topic, but you are wrong, too.
Asian players do (except for their hair colour) not look the same ANY more then Europeans do!
They just do for us Europeans, and also that only for those of us who do not know several Asians. Because, as soon as you do, your view will change and you will b able to differentiate them as well.
Of course, if you really were talking only about their being stars in the European market, you were partly right.

- I don't think the Chinese dominance is so much bigger now than some years ago. It has always been there. And there have always been SOME non-chinese to break in there. Already before Waldner and Persson stepped down a little, there were Primorac and Samsonov, then Schlager, and now Boll...
+ Sorry! I just wrote my answer to this in another thread. Before I saw that it would have fit even better here.
It's the one about who might be able to break the Chinese dominance, and the discussion there went the same way as here.
- Maybe, you can answer in that other thread!? (There are more readers so far, too.)

@Administrators: May be the threads could be put together!?

Geändert von Marcus, TTReisen (25.11.2002 um 11:39 Uhr)
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Alt 12.02.2004, 20:06
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Re: Why does the Chinese dominate now?

I think the problem with tabletennis in europe is that it has not a very good image so little real talented sportsman choose tabletennis. Besides that a lot of european players are handicapt by their length cause the heigth of the table hasn't changed in a hundred year's. This gives tabletennis the image of a child's play also.
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Alt 13.02.2004, 16:54
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Re: Why does the Chinese dominate now?

Zitat von cwlee
In my opinion, the Chinese team is kinda dominate the table tennis field right now (I don't think it is good...). It does not like some years ago when the European teams are at equal hand with the Chinese. Of course, the Chinese keeps innovating (e.g. handshake-holder-style backhand of penhold players). But there are much less stars like Waldner/Persson/Saive lately. Why???
The Chinese start early with the best talent ..... say 6 years old ....... they then train devotedly to table tennis their whole young lives ...... they can make a living at it and are well looked after ...... they concentrate on the practise of technique until its perfect without being overly distarcted by playing loads of competitions ...... they have many good coaches ....... parents support the set-up ...... etc etc etc
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Alt 26.10.2005, 10:23
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AW: Why does the Chinese dominate now?

The Chinese talents come to sport internats, where they train 3 times a day very hard.

Geändert von Truffel (10.11.2005 um 20:35 Uhr)
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Alt 26.10.2005, 10:31
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Post AW: Why does the Chinese dominate now?

Zitat von Morpheus_2nd
Scouting is the key word!

Right !!

Greets and bye !
Gruß und Tschüss !
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