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Alt 04.04.2002, 17:39
dmitry dmitry ist offline
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My question:
Whats the official point of view (esp. Int. Federation) about standard colours of balls and tables. Have we a white/blue revolution (example: Sw-Germ match. Balls - white; tables - blue) or not? I think we have a stable situation with 2 colour balls (choice between white/orange) and green tables.
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Alt 09.04.2002, 13:06
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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I don't know exactly what you want to know, but I think you're wondering about the blue tables?

As far as I know blue tables have been allowed for many years... I have already seen blue tables several times - mainly in minor leagues, but I think also in international competitions...

From the Regulations:
"The playing surface shall be uniformly dark coloured and matt..."

I haven't found any other point in the regulations concerning the color of the table...
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