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Alt 30.09.2008, 02:59
Tackiness Tackiness ist offline
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Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)
Adham Sharara speaks...

Der ITTF-Präsident persönlich hat sich gestern auf mytabletennis.net in die heftigen Diskussionen um die unter seinem Vorsitz vollzogenen Regeländerungen eingeschaltet:

15 Beiträge unter username "Adham" im Thread "Re-elect Adham Sharara?". (Das Forum ist in Kanada beheimatet, und Sharara ist ja auch Kanadier.)

Dass es sich dabei wirklich um ihn handelt, wurde durch ein "proof of identity" auf ittf.com bestätigt:

Es ist alles recht lang und ausführlich und kontrovers, lest es Euch mal durch.

Eine konkrete Ankündigung: noch diese Woche soll es auf ittf.com eine Klarstellung zum Thema Booster/Tuner geben.

Geändert von Tackiness (30.09.2008 um 03:06 Uhr)
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Alt 30.09.2008, 06:49
ViperSpin ViperSpin ist offline
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AW: Adham Sharara speaks...

Eins muss man dem Mann lassen: er hat Courage!

Danke für den Hinweis!!!

Geändert von ViperSpin (30.09.2008 um 06:50 Uhr) Grund: Danke sagen
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Alt 30.09.2008, 08:19
filox filox ist offline
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AW: Adham Sharara speaks...

Sehr interessante Beiträge von ihm. Ich sehe ihn und sein Anliegen jetzt auch in einem anderen Licht. Die ersten Statements die ich von ihm las, habe ich nicht so berauschend gefunden.
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Alt 30.09.2008, 08:23
Schokomat Schokomat ist offline
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AW: Adham Sharara speaks...

Zitat Adham:"The ITTF makes its rules for the benefit of INTERNATIONAL events. No one is obliged to follow these rules at the local level. Each national association is free to adopt or not ITTF rules at the NATIONAL level."
Na dann mal los, DTTB!!
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Alt 30.09.2008, 10:05
Benutzerbild von Rh-Profi
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AW: Adham Sharara speaks...

A.Sharara ist tatsächlich ansprechbar, Respekt.

Jetzt weiß ich auch, warum TT langsamer werden soll.
Die ITTF-Gewaltigen sind so alt, dass sie angeblich der schnellen Spielweise der Herren nicht mehr folgen können oder sind es die ansehnlicheren Damen?

Zitat auszugsweise von A.Sharara:
" ... I mentioned the high b=viewing of the Singapore-China women's match because it is a fact. It also shows the varied tastes of different people. I myself would have never imagined that that match would get so much attention, even if the Singapore players were Chinese immigrants. But it did. It's a fact. And by the way this match was watched live by Hu Jintao, President of China, Jacques Rogge, IOC president and myself sitting together and enjoying some incredible rallies. from a TT point of view it was a great match. Li Jai Wei of Singapore played very very well. By the way, also Bill Gates came to watch the games in beijing on several occasions inclusing this match. he seems to like the women's play more because it's easier to follow..."

Wie ich das verstanden habe, sind die "alten Böcke" von der Spielweise der Damen sehr angetan .
Einen Satz habe ich etwas hervorgehoben.
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Alt 30.09.2008, 10:45
Trillian Trillian ist gerade online
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AW: Adham Sharara speaks...

Damen-Tischtennis kann ja auch sehr attraktiv anzuschauen sein. Es gibt zwar auch grauenvolle Spiele, aber das ist im Herren-TT und im Fußball nicht anders...
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Alt 30.09.2008, 11:01
User 765 User 765 ist offline
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AW: Adham Sharara speaks...

Überrascht mich wenig, dass Adham Sharara sich in eine solche Diskussion einschaltet. Ich selbst hatte zweimal per Email mit ihm Kontakt und kann nur Positives berichten. Er beantwortet seine Emails selbst und sehr schnell und ausführlich - sehr hilfsbereit, der Mann!
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Alt 30.09.2008, 11:07
Benutzerbild von Klaus123
Klaus123 Klaus123 ist offline
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AW: Adham Sharara speaks...

Besonders witzig auch diese Stelle. Zitat Sharara:
If you wish, you could also mention that the president is a jerk, but that may not get any air time.
Also etwa: “Wenn du willst, kannst du auch erwähnen, daß der Vorsitzende (er meint sich selbst, Anm.d.V.) ein Trottel ist, aber das wird wahrscheinlich nicht gesendet werden.”
Philippshospital – come in and find out!http://forum.tt-news.de/showthread.php?t=80370

Geändert von Klaus123 (30.09.2008 um 11:10 Uhr)
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Alt 30.09.2008, 13:21
nopje nopje ist offline
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AW: Adham Sharara speaks...

Nur leider hat er nichts gesagt ûber das GLN-Verbot...
VH Pryde 30 2.0 RH Tuple 911 ox
C2 Belgien
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Alt 30.09.2008, 22:00
Tackiness Tackiness ist offline
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Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)Tackiness ist auf dem Weg zur Identifikationsfigur ;-) (Renommeepunkte mindestens +500)
AW: Adham Sharara speaks...

Und weiter geht's - er hat wohl Spass dran, sich attackieren und beleidigen zu lassen... Hier die neueste Antwort (in einem anderen Thread, Titel "It really was Sharara"):

a) The ITTF rule on ELIGIBILITY (not on citizenship) is in full compliance with UN regulations and EU regulations. The Bosman case was about cross-border employment. The ITTF's previous eligibility rule still required citizenship, this did not change. What has changed is the waiting period to represent a new association at World Championships and World Cup events only. It does not affect employment and does not affect representation to the Olympic Games, Pro Tour events, professional leagues or any other event. It just affects the WTTC and World Cup. The rule is in effect to avoid the developing trend of "importing" players for the sake of winning at a particular event and thus neglecting the development responsibilities of a national association. This "cheaper" method was employed by some associations as a quick fix and quick result for funding purposes vis-a-vis their governments or funding agencies. This rule was proposed to the ITTF's Board of Directors (60 persons) and was adopted with only 2 votes against. To my knowledge this new rule is not being challenged by anyone so far and is in fact well received by all including China, one of the countries that has the most top level players moving to other countries.

b) You are probably right that VOC free Boosters and Tuners do not cause any harm, but accoridng to the lab analysis made by the ITTF these products were found to contain very dangerous poisonous components. Of course we do not expect anyone to ingest them, but nonetheless, we do not condone the use of hazardous materials. We provided 5 manufacturers with our findings and 3 of them have already stopped producing the products. Some are still on the shelves and it may take some time for the products to disappear. But I agree with you that some so-called bio-Boosters and bio-Tuners could be harmless and why not use them. The reason is that we have a current and long existing rule that prohibits the altering of any characteristic of an approved equipment. For example even though not harmful, it would be illegal to smear your rubber with butter to reduce friction, or orange juice for tackiness. In fact you can not alter the rubber with post-fac-tory treatments. Perhaps we need to modify this rule and allow the sale of fac-tory "boosted" rubber? But for the time being boosters and tuners expand and stretch the rubber causing a bulging effect and hence a thicker rubber at the centre (exceeding 4mm), as well as altering the characteristic of the rubber itself by stretching it. This is currentyly illegal.

c) This is a matter of opinion. The facts say differently. In fact, TT in the World is enjoying the maximum amount of TV coverage in its history. This of course is not true in North America and many parts of the world. But we have to put TT on TV screens one step at a time. It may seem like Pie in the Sky, but frankly we cannot give up. We must bring about the changes that are thought of by the national associations and experts and try to always "improve" our sport. I fully understand those that wish to keep the sport the same and are happy with it as it is, and I would fully support this poition if our sport was No.1 in the world. But it is not. So it is our rersponsibility to find all the possible ways to improve it. I believe we are moving in the right direction. There are many chanllenges, but we will try to find solutiuons. Please take a look at images of our sport at the 1988 Olympics or events at that time and compare with the presentation at current international events. What do you think? We have made great improvemnet in presentation, in the look, and we are trying to also improve the "content" itself. But as I said before, all those that prefer to keep things the old way and they like it that way, why not. Just play, any way you like, within any group that agrees to abide by the same rules. That is your choice. Our responsibility as the governing body of the sport internationally is to have uniform rules and implement these rules at the international level. At the same time we try our best to promte and develop the sport in all corners of the world.

If you think the sport has been damaged, I am very saddened by that. I sincerely believe that the sport has been enhanced and my own personal motivation comes from seeing the signs, although I admit very slow, of improvement.


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