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Alt 29.01.2009, 12:36
Benutzerbild von ivo-M2
ivo-M2 ivo-M2 ist offline
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Maze OFF + Samba

Last weekend i played against the combination Maze off + Samba. The samba was old but this combination made as much noise like the new speedrubbers like Nimbus Sound.

My question: is this normal or was this samba freshglued like in the old and 'forbidden' times?
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Alt 29.01.2009, 13:21
Eddies Amigos Eddies Amigos ist offline
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AW: Maze OFF + Samba

Ask that guy you played against. He is the only one who can really tell you whether he freshglued/tuned or not.
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Alt 29.01.2009, 13:28
Benutzerbild von Obachecka
Obachecka Obachecka ist offline
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AW: Maze OFF + Samba

I think the answer is clear, if his rubber was as loud as a Nimbus Sound (wich is propably the loudest rubber right now).
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Alt 29.01.2009, 13:28
Benutzerbild von Tustt
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AW: Maze OFF + Samba

I think he has glued!
My Samba on BTY Spirit doesn't make such a load noise.
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Alt 30.01.2009, 16:09
Benutzerbild von ivo-M2
ivo-M2 ivo-M2 ist offline
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AW: Maze OFF + Samba

I did not ask because there was only one possible answer in my mind: freshglue. But how can you prove your suspicion? No possible way to prove or disaprove it without expensive equipment who 'nobody ' has.
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Alt 30.01.2009, 16:27
Benutzerbild von Tustt
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AW: Maze OFF + Samba

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I did not ask because there was only one possible answer in my mind: freshglue. But how can you prove your suspicion? No possible way to prove or disaprove it without expensive equipment who 'nobody ' has.
That's the problem,you can't prove it yourself.Ithink the only way is a referee with a enez or a Rae,you one your own can't really do something,maybe you can protest.
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Alt 30.01.2009, 17:37
Benutzerbild von ivo-M2
ivo-M2 ivo-M2 ist offline
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AW: Maze OFF + Samba

Protest would not have made any difference on that evening and I have yet to see a 'Enez'.

No I left that evening with an very uneasy feeling of being robbed of a match because of elegal equipment.
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