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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Which European can broke the power of the Asians?
Timo Boll (Germany) 34 69,39%
Michael Maze (Denmark) 1 2,04%
Magnus Molin (Sweden) 0 0%
Vladimir Samsonov (Belarus) 2 4,08%
Daniel Zwickl (Hungary) 0 0%
Christian Süß (Germany) 4 8,16%
Werner Schlager (Austria) 5 10,20%
Constantin Cioti (Rumania) 0 0%
Daniel Quentel (France) 0 0%
Eric Varin (France) 0 0%
an other player 3 6,12%
Teilnehmer: 49. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Alt 24.07.2002, 13:25
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Which European can broke the power of the Asians?

Which European Player can broke the power of the Asian Player in the future?
In the past, Waldner did that, but who will do this after Waldners resignation?
"Reality continues ruining my life!"
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Alt 24.07.2002, 14:49
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A suggestion:

In my opinion, we already know, that there is already one big european player doing so, but, by the way, what if we would rename this thread into:

"Who will follow T. Boll to break into the Asian- Domain"

What do you think?!

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Alt 24.07.2002, 14:57
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I think Samsonov is a player who was able to beat the best chinese players in the past.
But I fear his best times are over, so Timo Boll will be the only serious competitor in the next years.
I hope Zwickel and Süß (but I think Zwickel will become better than Süß) will follow in a few years, but to be a great youth-player must not mean to be a great adult, so we have to wait ...
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Alt 24.07.2002, 19:25
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Timo Boll

In my opinion Timo Boll will be the player who could beat the Chinese players. In the last year he showed us that he is the best player in Europe and can beat all European top players. But now he has to show that he´s able to win matches against the Chinese.
Maybe Michael Maze from Denmark will surprise all. He is a very good young player and perhaps he´s another one who can beat the Asians.
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Alt 24.07.2002, 20:09
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TT-Odysseus TT-Odysseus ist offline
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Timo Boll and Michael Maze are the new european stars who can beat the Chinese
Mitleid bekommt man geschenkt, Neid muß man sich verdienen.
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Alt 24.07.2002, 22:43
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I think Christian Süß can become as well as Boll oder maybe better.

But otherwise, Boll had played very good in the Bundesliga with 16 years, ander Süß, already 16, hadn´t win a game in the Bundesliga last season!

By the way, in my opinin is now Samsonov better than Boll. But this could chance very far...
"Reality continues ruining my life!"
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Alt 24.07.2002, 22:54
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Originally posted by TT-Odysseus
Timo Boll and Michael Maze are the new european stars who can beat the Chinese
I agree with your opinion, TT-Odysseus. Timo Boll's qualities are great. Michael Maze had a lot of injures in the last few years. That's why he could not improve his style and abilities as much e.g. Timo Boll did. But he will be a rather good player, too who will be able to beat the strong Chinese players in future if he has a bit more luck concerning the injuries.
Concerning all those youth players like Süß and Zwickl it is indeed a bit difficult to say if they will be able to win Major titles. They are both talented but it is a big difference from the international youth scene up to the one of the seniors.
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Alt 25.07.2002, 01:15
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Amok "Orginal" Amok "Orginal" ist offline
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Yes, may be Boll and Maze are able to beat the players of the Chinese superiority soon. And then......:confused:
Ein wahrer "Tier"freund! *kleineMIAUMIAUSmag* http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmili...ugh/zzwhip.gif
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Alt 28.07.2002, 15:06
bleib mal locker bleib mal locker ist offline
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I think, only Timo Boll,Michael Maze and Bastian Steger can beat the good chinese player, perhaps the young european youth champion Christian Süß also in the future.
auch bekannt als der mit dem gefürchteten Vorhandschwinger
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Alt 29.07.2002, 18:06
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The young French one is called Dorian Quentel and not Daniel. I don't see the point in suggesting Eric Varin, maybe you took him for a junior?
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