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The TT-NEWS Club Bar Chit Chat - Talk about anything here. Not only tabletennis-related topics are welcome here, also other sports, politics, lifestyle, etc.

Alt 26.07.2002, 07:21
Benutzerbild von elvis
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fun stuff ...

Hi guys,

what about some fun stuff ?
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
Klicken Sie auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	summer activities.jpg
Hits:	277
Größe:	58,4 KB
ID:	286  
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Alt 26.07.2002, 07:28
Benutzerbild von elvis
elvis elvis ist offline
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elvis ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt (Renommeepunkte ungefähr beim Startwert +20)
... or this one:
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
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Name:	bookstore.jpg
Hits:	243
Größe:	50,9 KB
ID:	287  
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Alt 30.07.2002, 12:57
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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It´s really funny!

I have some pictures, too:

Who can me help and translate this little text from the picture?
I don´t now!

Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
Klicken Sie auf die Grafik für eine größere Ansicht

Name:	00002003.jpg
Hits:	287
Größe:	31,8 KB
ID:	293  

Geändert von Jörg (30.07.2002 um 13:30 Uhr)
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Alt 31.07.2002, 09:32
Beiträge: n/a
...don't worry, it's a dummy...

...to help you with you great hobby - writing something that shall look like english
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Alt 31.07.2002, 09:34
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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Pinguin kommt allgemein ganz gut an (Renommeepunkte mindestens +60)
...damn, the board doesn't recognize me ;(
last post was created by me...
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Alt 31.07.2002, 12:35
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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Originally posted by Pinguin
...don't worry, it's a dummy...

...to help you with you great hobby - writing something that shall look like english

Yes it is a dummy! Who concerns your statement?

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Alt 31.07.2002, 13:08
Pinguin Pinguin ist offline
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Pinguin kommt allgemein ganz gut an (Renommeepunkte mindestens +60)
My statement? which one?

"it's a dummy" could be one translation of the text in the picture you attached to one of your last posts...

and the other statement - forget about it... it was too early in the morning when I wrote this - at this time I'm not really sane...
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Alt 05.01.2004, 07:43
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
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Re: fun stuff ...

Hi All,

just read an old but still nice and actual joke, which I try to translate....

A top player of a European nation is in a Chinese table tennis training camp.
An assumed sparring partner fetches his paddle and blows the European nation’s top player from the table.
When being asked, if the sparring partner is a member of the actual Chinese national team he answered that he actually is the caretaker……..

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Alt 06.01.2004, 09:42
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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Re: fun stuff ...

Hi All,

found three German jokes and tried to translate:

Why do bees buzz ?
Because they have forgotten the text

What is flying through the air and makes “Mus Mus”
A bee in reverse gear

What has four legs and one arm ?
A happy pitbull terrier

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Alt 08.01.2004, 02:27
Benutzerbild von Francis54
Francis54 Francis54 ist offline
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Re: fun stuff ...

Listen to the next world top rock and roll hit :


Much better than U2 or the Rolling Stones!

Hardbat (Brettchen) is the future of table tennis ! http://hardbat-france.blog4ever.com/
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