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Alt 01.08.2002, 13:49
Jörg Jörg ist offline
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To all people from a different country as Germany who visit this forum!


How many people visit this English forum from a other country as Germany?

What do you think? What is good and what is bad on this forum?
What do you missing?
Give your statement up!


Geändert von Jörg (05.08.2002 um 22:09 Uhr)
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Alt 01.08.2002, 16:59
Benutzerbild von Amok "Orginal"
Amok "Orginal" Amok "Orginal" ist offline
ist für Metallhölzer!
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I am a little bit disappointed beacuse no discussion takes place here!
May be there are not enough people who have command of English
Ein wahrer "Tier"freund! *kleineMIAUMIAUSmag* http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmili...ugh/zzwhip.gif
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Alt 01.08.2002, 17:21
User 765 User 765 ist offline
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I think most people speak English in this forum, but why should i write english if i can write German???
...and i don't want to discuss the same topics twice - once in German and then again in English!
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Alt 03.08.2002, 14:46
TT Voodoo TT Voodoo ist offline
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I am from Hungary and I follow the English forum because I do not speak German. I think that the English part is kept up for 'international' discussions and not for discuss something twice. But considering the ratio of Englis/German part I think that most of the 'international' people do not know about TT News' English part and this way they cannot write for it.

Everything is relative
TT Voodoo
*** Everything is relativE ***
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Alt 30.12.2003, 09:49
Benutzerbild von Nosti49
Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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For all visitors from another country as Germany who visit this forum!

Zitat von TT Voodoo

I am from Hungary and I follow the English forum because I do not speak German. I think that the English part is kept up for 'international' discussions and not for discuss something twice. But considering the ratio of Englis/German part I think that most of the 'international' people do not know about TT News' English part and this way they cannot write for it.

Everything is relative
Hi TT-Voodoo,

you are fully right and I hope that it will be possible to raise the discussion in this international Forum again.

It would be nice, if you visit this "international" English-speaking forum again.

Anyone visiting this English-speaking forum can send a PM (private mail) or an e-mail in case one is interested to visit more often this international discussion forum.

To send me an e-mail of private mail kindly make a "mouse click" on the name Norbert Stienen and just contact me.

I will surely answer and be happy to answer to anyone in this forum.


Geändert von Nosti49 (30.12.2003 um 09:51 Uhr)
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Alt 02.01.2004, 17:36
shortytje shortytje ist offline
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Re: An All people from a thoer country as Germany who visit this forum!

I'm from belguim and I speak dutch normally, but I speak english on the forum because I think that that is the language that most people are able to speak. I can also speak german and french but as well. If everyone would speak english on the forum it would attract more visitors. Also when most people search the internet they search in english and when you do this you don't see this forum. I found it due to a link on the stiga website. I like this forum a lot.
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Alt 10.02.2004, 09:22
Mick Clarke / UK
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How to join this English speaking forum ?!?!?!

You guys are kidding, aren't you ?
Tell me how I should join the membership of this English speaking forum, since all being in German ?!!!!
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Alt 10.02.2004, 10:10
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Nosti49 Nosti49 ist offline
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Re: For anyone from any international country visiting this English speaking forum!

Hi Mick,

you are right, this is at the moment a little problem for us, but we are working on it and confident that it will be solved within short.

Kindly keep on writing in this forum as a guest until this problem has been solved. Sorry for the unconveniences caused by this problem.

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Alt 06.07.2004, 18:22
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AW: Re: For anyone from any international country visiting this English speaking forum!

I live in the states and occassionaly look in this forum. I can also speak German but English is my preferred second language now. My native language is Czech.
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Alt 21.10.2004, 17:36
Vielspieler Vielspieler ist offline
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AW: Re: For anyone from any international country visiting this English speaking forum!

Hey I'm a German living in South Wales.Are there any user that are able to give me some information about table tennis or perhaps adresses. Thanks in advance
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