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Alt 07.09.2002, 20:11
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mal was anderes: KEIKO NEEDS OUR HELP

Hello everyone,

We're writing to ask for your help in dealing with an URGENT problem Keiko has run into… Norway.

As you may know, Keiko has been swimming free in the North Atlantic for more than a month now... during this time he traversed the ocean between Iceland and Norway, finally arriving near the coastal community of Kristiansund on August 28th. The next day. photos were taken of him that showed Keiko to be in perfect condition, proving beyond doubt that he is able to feed and fend for himself. This was GREAT news! Two days later Keiko moved on, heading north along the coast of Norway. He soon encountered a small boat with a family on board that was out for a day's fishing - after making contact with the children and accepting fish from them, Keiko followed the boat into a small fjord called Skaalvikfjord and the port town of Halsa. His presence caused a great stir because he was quickly recognised as the famous star of the film Free Willy. People flocked to the shore to see him, boats crowded around, kids jumped into the water, media arrived. Only the overnight arrival of Keiko project staff, who had been tracking Keiko via his satellite & radio tags, prevented the situation from becoming a circus. They quickly sought & gained the cooperation of much of the community. Nevertheless, when the story got out, some very scary & serious developments took place. Most alarming was the call by one apparently respected whale researcher to kill Keiko “for his own good”. Judging by the reaction within and outside Norway, this sentiment is not likely to determine the outcome of Keiko’s foray into Norway. However, Norway is a country determined to continue killing whales in the face of world opinion, and because of that Keiko may well be in great danger.

What is needed NOW is an appeal from people around the world to the government of Norway to act quickly to protect Keiko.

This, then, is an appeal to YOU to help Keiko, NOW.

PLEASE, before you do anything else today, go to http://www.embassyworld.com/embassy/norway1.htm and locate a Norwegian embassy or consulate in your country. Phone or fax your appeal to Norway to protect Keiko. Remember that phoning or faxing gets more attention than an email, so please take the time.

You can also send a message directly to the government of Norway. The Ministry of Environment has a message board at http://odin.dep.no/md/global/kontakt/index-b-n-a.jsp. The Ministry of Fisheries can be reached via email postmottak@fid.dep.no or phone +47 22 24 90 90 or fax +47 22 24 95 85.

Please pass this message on as far and wide as you can. If enough of us who care about Keiko, and our children, and their friends, and their friends let Norway know how we feel, Keiko will be safe to continue his journey. Otherwise, Keiko’s incredible journey into freedom may end before it has barely begun.


As ever, we send out best wishes to you all,

Paul & Helena

ps: For background stories, check out http://www.aquarium.org/keiko/keikohome_main.htm
Glaube denen, die die Wahrheit suchen, und zweifle an denen, die sie gefunden haben.
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Alt 07.09.2002, 21:56
Hülser Hülser ist offline
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öhm... wo gibts nochma das übersetzungsprogramm
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Alt 10.09.2002, 16:46
Ino Ino ist offline
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Wie siehts denn im Moment aus?

Das Tier ist fast sein ganzes Leben gefangen gewesen, mit viel Aufwand dressiert worden.

Dann wird er "ausgewildert" (mit erheblichem Aufwand) aber anscheinend nicht bei seinen Artgenossen geblieben sondern sucht die Nähe zum Menschen (was possierlich ist, dem Tier selbst und den Fischern der Umgebung aber kaum helfen wird)

Gibt´s da überhaupt ne chance, daß er wirklich auswildert?
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