Technique - Tactics - Training share your table tennis knowledge about stroke technique, training methods, game strategies, coaching, etc. |
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AW: How do you train in your country?
Do you have clubs in the USA like we in germany?
What has changed, since the last years? Are there some clubs, which offer organized training lessons with a coach for all members? Is there now a league-system in the USA like we have in Europe with several regional leagues and maybe one national league? |
AW: How do you train in your country?
In my club before, there had been two training groups. the recreational players only played some balls for warmup, but no exercises. after warmup they played doubles or single matches, all just for fun. the other training group always practised with a coach. warmup, then 3-4 exercises and then matches. In my new club, things are different. There are no training groups. You always make an appointment with another player and then you go there in use a table for 1 or 2 hours. So you always decide before chosing your practise partner, if you want to practise hard or only just for feeling or if you want to play versus a defender or lefthand player. The better player are doing additional physical training. |
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